Game : Scoob Whack a Bot
How to play : Scoob Whack a Bot is one of well designed Scooby Doo games that you can play this funny game for free via Catching the right time is very important for everyone playing the game to have a fun time. We've waited a long time to share this game with you. Game is on now! In the game, we have to hit the bots that will come out of 6 tunnels. The sooner you hit the bots after they spawn, the more points you get. In this game where we compete against time, you can reach the next level if you pass checkpoints. Just use your mouse to shoot the bots and help Scooby Doo and her friends! We know that you love games that include a bit of skill and a race against time, and we wish you good luck in the game Scoob Whack a Bot game for kids.
Currently, 102 kids is playing game in Kids Games category on our site. Come on, pick a game too! Our latest game has been played hundreds of times in 1 hour. If you want to play: play Defend the Sewers Game.
Scoob Whack a Bot game played 1,053 times and voted 0 times. Ratings: %0 likes, %0 dislikes.
How to play : Scoob Whack a Bot is one of well designed Scooby Doo games that you can play this funny game for free via Catching the right time is very important for everyone playing the game to have a fun time. We've waited a long time to share this game with you. Game is on now! In the game, we have to hit the bots that will come out of 6 tunnels. The sooner you hit the bots after they spawn, the more points you get. In this game where we compete against time, you can reach the next level if you pass checkpoints. Just use your mouse to shoot the bots and help Scooby Doo and her friends! We know that you love games that include a bit of skill and a race against time, and we wish you good luck in the game Scoob Whack a Bot game for kids.
Currently, 102 kids is playing game in Kids Games category on our site. Come on, pick a game too! Our latest game has been played hundreds of times in 1 hour. If you want to play: play Defend the Sewers Game.
Scoob Whack a Bot game played 1,053 times and voted 0 times. Ratings: %0 likes, %0 dislikes.