
Game :Tickety Toc Time for Chime Time. great games to play!
How to play : McCoggins needs help fixing the chime time clock, and the Tickety twins want to lend a hand, but not before they spring into action to help Hopparoo and Madame Au-Lait! It is almost Chime Time so Tommy and Tallulah have to hurry to the clock house! Oh no, the clock is broken! McCoggins can fix it, but he needs help finding cogs and tools. Will your child help him? Lets go! On your way to the clock house, help Tommy and Tallulah find yellow, green, and blue springs for Hopparoo, ingredients for Madam Au-Lait is oaty cake, and McCoggins lost tools! Use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to run and press the space bar to jump. Run over items to collect them. Be sure to jump over the spring chicks and catch a ride in bubbles. Each level is easy peasy, so play to the end! Tickety Toc Time for Chime Time game.

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Tickety Toc Time for Chime Time game played 184,666 times and voted 763 times. Ratings: %82 likes, %18 dislikes.
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