
Game :Strawberry Shortcake Big Country Fun. great games to play!
How to play : Strawberry Shortcake rides a horse and goes for a walk. While Strawberry Shortcake goes for a walk, she notices that many chicks ask for help. You should help these chicks and pick them all in a same place. But there is a problem: you have a limited time. While chicks give points for you, strawberries you pick on your way will provide you an extra time. Strawberry Shortcake Big Country Fun game.

If you really liked this game in Strawberry Shortcake Games on our website, we would recommend you to play our previous game Strawberry Shortcake Tea Party.
Strawberry Shortcake Big Country Fun game played 10,390 times and voted 21 times. Ratings: %86 likes, %14 dislikes.
Strawberry Shortcake Farmer  Strawberry Shortcake Rider Horse 

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