
Game :Sirenix Surfers. great games to play!
How to play : What do you think with the new Winx Games Processing surfing in the air? Winx Sirenix doing it in full. Coming our way in the game to avoid obstacles and collect the coins and sea shells. They encounter many obstacles involved and the direction (arrow) keys needs to overcome using. To lean down, jumping up and to the left and right are using the usual right-left. Gold coins are very important. Why the characters in each level we need to spend a certain amount to open. Winx Sirenixt separately for each character must spend the gold. You should also spend in surfboards. You have the right heart for three in total shock. Games by collecting hearts in the right side if you can earn back, x2 double points if you can get on. Sirenix Surfers game.

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Sirenix Surfers game played 30,038 times and voted 464 times. Ratings: %83 likes, %17 dislikes.
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