
Game :Peter Rabbit Make a Scene. great games to play!
How to play : Kids can make a special scene with Peter Rabbit and his friends. Choose your background, decorate with friends and accessories and print it out. Your little bunnies can create their very own Peter Rabbit scene. Move between each category tab to add backgrounds, friends, accessories and decorations. To add a character or object to the picture, click on the item in the sidebar, then again anywhere in the scene to place it. You can click on a friend or decoration again to move it or change its size with the magnifying glass. When your scene is complete, click next to print a picture of your scene or play again. Lets hop to it! Peter Rabbit Make a Scene game.

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Peter Rabbit Make a Scene game played 24,703 times and voted 133 times. Ratings: %83 likes, %17 dislikes.
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