
Game :Max and Ruby Toy Parade. great games to play!
How to play : They are everywhere! Toys, toys, and more toys. Max needs to get them into the toy chest. But to do this, he needs your help. Grandma is coming, and before she does Max needs to pick up his toys. Click on any toys ringed in red to make them join the parade. But look out! When Max isn't careful, he gets clumsy and that can mean bumping into furniture or disrupting the parade. This game has five levels. Max and Ruby Toy Parade game.

If you really liked this game in Kids Games on our website, we would recommend you to play our previous game Tickety Toc Time for Chime Time.
Max and Ruby Toy Parade game played 75,159 times and voted 255 times. Ratings: %87 likes, %13 dislikes.
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